Saturday, August 27, 2011

...have you ditched the scale yet?

How many ways can I say it?

If you are praying to a scale, I bet you really don't enjoy the new body you have or the one you are hoping to have some day. You deserve to be miserable. No. Really. If you are committed to the scale controlling your life, then you deserve what it gives...and that's usually nothing, even if the number excites you. If you have more slips than stills, more falls than gains...something is wrong and you need to evaluate. There is nothing wrong with a built in cheat daily, not to big if the craving hits you. But still you need to add into your daily caloric values.

Fall is approaching.  Like spring, it comes with a reason to fit up for the marathons. Work it Lovelies...kick it up, clean up the diet, drink plenty of water, and get proper rest. Just Do It!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

making strides

Hi everyone!  Today is August 1, and we are two months away from the Brooksie Way 5K/Half Marathon.  If you recall, I was inspired to run this race last year after visiting a vendor at the Oakland County Arts Beats & Eats.  I set the goal, crazy??? Yes.  I had about 4-5 weeks to prepare, and I finished it.  So this year, I intend to shatter the record I set with a new amazing finish, not misplace my car (lol), and I hope that you will be there this year so we can support each other.

Many of my FACEBOOK fans found out I was running and wanted to start.  I'm not new to this.  No one asks me questions during the winter.  They all want BikiniBods and rush me like a cold sweat for my results.  I can't promise them that.  I don't think I could arrive with that in a package even if the exchange was a half million dollars.

You have to be willing to put in the work.  It's a life style change.  It's something you must commit to for the rest of your life.  And really, why not?  After 30, it's all down hill unless you fight to keep what you've got.  We've all started at different places.  We all can arrive at the destination unlimited.  Just get started!