Monday, October 18, 2010

cross training

Don't get greedy with one routine or two and dig into those, forgetting about other things you can do to maintain your svelte physique!  An oversight we often neglect, but are forced to correct.  I did it.  I admit it.  For two months I virtually abandoned the Arc Trainer and the Bike for the treadmill.  And yes, I was on a schedule that should have included those machines for the month of October.  However, the Brooksie Way 5K pretty much dictated and forced me to deviate from my schedule.

But I'm back.  It's an eclectic month.  I'll just call it that.  A hodgepodge.  A 31 day trial and error.  Yes.  That's a good name for it.  I guess, I need to get into a yoga class as well to complete the set.  I planned on working out at Bally's 2 days a week for November and December.  I might as well, since it's free this year and will soon (January 2011) I'll return to paying a small fee to continue the membership.

I'd like to do a step class.  But, I think I need to wait and not push myself to revving up the workouts, simply because, technically speaking I'm still overweight.  I don't know this from a scale, but from clothes.  Until I get into those size 12-14 jeans, I will consider myself over.  Not obsessive, just simply stating a natural fact.  I'm a comfy 10-12.  It's been years since my closet was filled with 8's.  So that's a transient size in my opinion just like 16.

Cross Training can be accomplished many ways.  I really do this already with incorporating Cardio in between my training sets.  You can be strong.  You can be fast.  You can even have great endurance.  But if you're stiff and're not addressing your weakest link.

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