Sunday, December 9, 2012

cold weather running

My fitness goal this year was to simply do more simply by getting out of my comfort zones. I ran my first official 10k in 80 degree weather. I did not run in September/October because I was semi repairing/rehab an injury I incurred doing hill sprints on the tread. I have never run outside past October 1st. This year I did the 10k Thanksgiving Turkey Trot. Since then, I have clocked two inclement weather runs. I am surprisingly enjoying it. It only makes sense to put this expensive cold gear to work. If I continue to press along, I'll gladly reward the effort with more gear. 

The farthest distance ran so far is just over 7 miles! Woop! Woop! 

What has helped me transition into cold weather running is to keep the heat off. As tempting as it has been to crank on the heat at home, I have simply layered up on clothes and donned socks. I do knock the chill off in the car and have pulled out my heated seat pad.

I’m taking each run as it comes. I’m trying to be very smart and conscientious of injury prevention while still keeping the air in my lungs outdoors. I love it so far. I mix up my runs and the plan is to increase my weekly mileage for the winter whether indoors or outside. I have purchased an e-book for improving my 10K race time. I’ve only glimpsed at it because I want to keep my training unofficial for Jan/Feb.

For March-May, I’ll be ready to put the e-book to some really good use. Right now, I’m simply running for enjoyment. There is no race in sight. I’m simply working on posture, breathing, endurance, and speed. 

In the meantime, I do need to work on getting head gear and under wear.

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