Sunday, March 17, 2013

to cheat or not to cheat

What is a cheat meal?

The dictionary defines cheat as to deceive using trickery. I prefer the definition for “cheat” as to partake in behavior that goes against tradition or the norm. What is a cheat meal? According to my definition, if I eat three meals and two snacks daily, then on a specific appointed day, I add an additional meal or snack.

Usually my cheat meal is at the end of my workout week. There are times where this has been a slice of pizza or two, popcorn, or some confection that I'v e rewarded myself with for exceeding the goals of the week. Given that my refrigerator is often loaded with meals on rotation, pizza is rarely desired. Most of the time, I will opt for a slice carrot cake or a cupcake.

I never punish myself and say ‘you can’t have it’. I find that too often many ‘critics’ or dieters stuck in a brain warp are FAT! That is right I said FAT! They never see success for long before they’re back on the floor kicking and screaming for failing to lose weight or stick to the diet. They are prisoners of their mind. People who are on a journey, a lifestyle change eat what they want or what they desire, only they find the way to work it into their day or week as a meal, and move on to continued success.

This is why I don’t like to use the word cheat according to the definition. Cheat is in reference to an anti-social behavior. There is nothing anti-social about changing how you look at food. Anti-social is to live on a roller coaster of yo-yo dieting. In the spring you fight to get thin from all of the bad behavior you subjected yourself to all winter. This is primarily due to a lack of exercise that slows the metabolism. Foods you would normally be able to control portion size have gone from recommended servings to horse portions.

Food, like money does not lead to evil. It is the inability to control or suppress the will to behave poorly that leads to evil, or overeating.

A few weeks ago I ran what was my first half marathon on the ground. It was training exercise for the big event. My feet hurt, and as I iced them, I enjoyed a half cup of Haagen Daz chocolate peanut butter ice cream. I posted this in a group I follow on Facebook. Someone decided that they’d tell me…me of all people to not forget to stretch, as if this was my first time ever running, or as if yoga is not a part of my daily life. The coup de gras was the notation that I should leave that ice cream alone. I checked the poster on both accounts with as much tact as I could muster, considering that I post regularly my exploits of exercise.

One should never make assumptions or measure others by self-imposed limitations. I realize that a healthy weight and exercise for some is a new thing. Still, you must know to whom you are speaking and never assume that everyone is running from food. I live in a house that has every temptation. I live in a corridor full of fast food and meat prone restaurants. None that bothers me one bit. I know what I need and I know what I want. It is important to distinguish one from the other.

Everything, in moderation. Cheating implies guilt will follow.

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