Sunday, April 14, 2013

brown rice, whole grains, and why we shouldn't scoff at fiber

There is no excuse for ignoring good nutritional information. I was surprised to learn that so many still have yet to embrace the whole grain revolution. So many scoff at breads, cereals, even cite a wheat allergy, and yet they consume still: white rice, white bread, high sugar cereals, while avoiding brown rice, whole grain pastas and breads, along with whole grain cereals.

Fighting obesity, cancer prevention, healthy cholesterol, and reducing your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes should be tantamount to any nutritional plan. My diet is not perfect. I do not always make the best choices in foods. Sometimes those choices are simply good or to satisfy a taste. However, by and large embracing the whole food paradigm has made a tremendous impact in my overall health.

Since giving up a large amount of meat sources, I embraced the whole food revolution with grace and dignity. A little research went a long way. The more I grew to love whole grains the easier it became to  enjoy a 98% meatless diet.

Whole foods satiate hunger where refined ones leave you unsatisfied and prone to snacking, additional calorie consumption, weight gain, obesity, and sickness.

FoodFiber Content in Grams
Oatmeal, 1 cup3.98
Whole wheat bread, 1 slice2
Whole wheat spaghetti, 1 cup6.3
Brown rice, 1 cup3.5
Barley, 1 cup13.6
Buckwheat, 1 cup4.54
Rye, 1/3 cup8.22
Corn, 1 cup4.6
Apple, 1 medium with skin5.0
Banana, 1 medium4.0
Blueberries, 1 cup3.92
Orange, 1 large4.42
Pear, 1 large5.02
Prunes, 1/4 cup3.02
Strawberries, 1 cup3.82
Raspberries, 1 cup8.36


The chart I posted is just a guideline to show the number of fiber grams per the food serving. Fiber adds bulk, aids digestion, and lowers cholesterol.

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