Wednesday, June 20, 2012

hairstory, know your type

As a naturalista for nearly four years, this journey has been a labor of love. I was enslaved for 30 plus years to chemical relaxers and really did not know why. It started as a child and it continued through adult life. I was programmed to believe that straighter hair grew simply because kinky hair was evil.

To sum it up, kinky hair is coiled tightly around itself. The natural oils that are secreted from our scalp travel down the strands and lubricate the hair. Finer textures or thicker textures, the truth is that hair with a looser curl patter grows apparently faster than coarse strands. Since hair has to be cleansed we wash this oil away, but a healthy scalp continues to secrete and thus the hair is replenished with its own natural lubrication. In coarse textures, the oil cannot travel down the shaft and lubricate the ends, which make coarse hair dryer on the ends. Hair is dead. To retain length hair must receive nutrition inside and out.
What is lost or absent must be replaced. I learned very quickly that the more my ends are coated with a sealant (combo of moisture/oil) the healthier my hair tends to be, grows and retains its growth. The longer the hair becomes, the more your hair requires artificial sealants. This means that you will spend more to maintain your tresses as it grows and retains length automatically by supply/demand. Nonetheless, longer hair does not have to be avoided.

Adopt a healthy hair regimen and stick with it. As I mentioned earlier, I evolved in this process through a lot of trials and errors. The goal is to maintain my hair with as few products as possible. I believe that once I confirm black castor oil, I will have arrived.

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