Monday, September 30, 2013


The "Run for 30 Days" Challenge is officially complete and I must say it was a success. I still cannot believe the work I was able to accomplish. Yes, I know I have a decent cardiovascular capacity and my lower body continues to surprise me, however I could not have predicted this. I went from a starting weekly average of 20 miles to 30 miles.

I learned so much. I am so thrilled that I jumped in and did this for September. I notice a significant difference in my body, shrink-wise and yet I am stronger. That tells me that I have shredded the bad and increased the good stuff!

What's next? Starting tomorrow, October 1st is the Ab Challenge. Now I have been somewhat playing around with a 'core challenge' to support a member on Facebook, but here's where it is! This will be official. I like this because it incorporates relief days which are more realistic.

Running everyday?

After one solid week off, I will gradually move back into it. In the meantime, I will be hitting the cardio machines, and may even join up with a boot camp class. I love the bleachers! The weather is still beautiful so there is no way I will return to hiding out like a vampire. When the cold gets to be a bit much of course the treadmill can substitute.

My next tentatively scheduled event run is November 17th. That is the Kona Chocolate Run! This is my first Chocolate 10K and I am looking forward to the finisher medal! LOL.

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