Tuesday, April 15, 2014

an addition to my healthy hair journey of 2014

I am not a paid contractor, so you will not find me endorsing products. However, when I find something that works I do not mind sharing the knowledge. For the past two years I have been virtually off of vitamin supplements as well as my one/day meal shakes. I never want to supply my body with an abundance of supplements it will not absorb. I decided to rely on bi-annual blood tests that suggest to me where my nutrition level falls and make adjustments where needed.
There are many suppliers who boast the same factors of hair, skin, and nail growth. They are rapidly flooding the internet and even some YouTube gurus are becoming brand ambassadors for these products. Some are endorsed by stars who have always adorned beautiful hair and skin.
I choose to not follow any BS! I am not saying their particular product is not working or that it will not produce satisfactory results for me. I am saying, I will not pay a fortune for something and its results when I can pay less and obtain the same results.
Considering no harm/no foul, I decided to try some supplements for my Hair, Skin & Nails. This past winter was brutal and even though I am LOC METHOD fan, we're not promised anything less than a humid summer. It's called Midwest climate...so suck it up!
I typically do not hibernate in the winter since I walk a lot. This places me right at the forefront of the wind/cold. I am armed now. 

I ordered this brand from Lucky Vitamin, which has been one of my favorite online shops over the past three years. The dosage is 2/day. I am enjoying 1/day and really find no reason at this time to increase. This is roughly a three month supply if I remain taking 1/day.

I see a noticeable difference...all over!

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